And so it begins…..

And so it begins…..

Before starting my work placement at Deschenes Regnier, I kept being asked if I was nervous.

“No, no.” I’d say, “I’m so excited!”

And I was! But as the first day drew ever nearer the voices in the back of my head said “Are you even good enough at designing to help them? Won’t you just be a nuisance?” I pushed these thoughts away as best as I could. I’m still just a student, they will understand and be kind about any mistakes I’ll make. The excited feelings returned.

It’s been a few days now and the excitement is still with me. Everyone here is so kind; I feel like I’m fitting right in (have I always been here???)!

I have my own project to work on and I keep having helpful Production Techniques 1 flashbacks as I edit photos and create spreads (thanks Diane!).

I’m really just eager to get some real deal, hands-on experience. Projects big or small, I’m on it!

So far, this is just cementing all over again that designing is what I’m made to do. I have to show my design to the big boss today! Wish me luck!
