‘Tis the Season…Shopping

‘Tis the Season…Shopping

Ah the holidays. Time with family and friends, time off work, and time to return gifts. Funny but true. As this article indicates, designers can be hard to shop for. Ask my wife. She doesn’t like shopping for me because I am really particular about what I like.

Example of qualities I like in a gift are:

  • Quality – but doesn’t have to be expensive.
  • Packaging – I like nice packaging. Big surprise.
  • Longevity – well-made things that won’t break.
  • Usefulness – this probably isn’t a designer thing. But my own hang up. It has to serve a purpose. I’m beyond trinkets now. I’d rather get socks and underwear. I’m in my 40s and I’m a dad. What can I say.

Not everything in the article relates to me, but I’m positive it relates to a lot of my friends in the business. Have a read, maybe your partner is a graphic designer and this helps with your Christmas shopping this year.