I am my own worst enemy
Most of us have heard that famous quote –
Whether you think you can or think you can’t – you are right (Henry Ford)
Related to that concept, I was at a Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce (winnipeg-chamber.ca) Small Business event recently where the speaker (Keith Macpherson) provided a brilliant explanation of how each one of us has had to deal with their own personal saboteur.
And the concept really hit home with me.
How many times over the years, have I had an opportunity to do something only to talk myself out of that activity? How many times have I told myself that I can’t do something – even before I tried? How many times have I driven myself crazy with fear before a speech or a new activity?
It wasn’t “others” that stood in my way – it was me (or at least my private saboteur). I allowed that to happen – rationalizing my decision on the basis that it was my common sense talking to me. I missed opportunities following the voices that told me no.
Macpherson (www.keithmacpherson.ca) told the crowd that we needed to recognize when the saboteur was at work in our mind. And to acknowledge that it wasn’t real – it was just the saboteur trying to stand in our way.
It was a compelling concept that I vowed to fully embrace going forward. It has only been a month – but I have met the saboteur – and we are no longer on speaking terms.